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2025 – Another new opportunity to serve the LORD in the ministry of the WORD OF GOD.

Writer's picture: Charlie SommervilleCharlie Sommerville

“Contending for the faith once for all entrusted to the saints.”

Dear Friends 

2025 – Another new opportunity to serve the LORD in the ministry of the WORD OF GOD. 

Firstly, we give thanks to God for the past year with its many joys, encouragements and a few sorrows. 2025 in the will of The Lord, is shaping to be another busy one. 

It has been a real joy and privilege to have been involved with South Leith Baptist Church over the 2nd half of 2024, there will be frequent visits throughout 2025. The congregation have made Jill and I most welcome from day one. There is a real sense expectancy there: it’s hard to put into words.  Please pray for this Church and the work they do both in the Church and in the Community in Edinburgh. 

Last June I had the privilege of going down to Mid Wales for the 3rd year in succession to speak at the Prophetic Witness Movement International Summer Prophecy Conference. As before hospitality was kindly provided by Pastor Ron Downey and his wife Tennile, it was lovely spending time with the family and of course meeting those who attended the Conference in such a beautiful part of the Country.

In November it was a real joy to be part of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations at Barnards Court Mission. And what a celebration it was! The Mission Hall was packed full. There were various musical items, singers etc and I had the amazing privilege of sharing from the Word of God.  Please pray for the Mission, and for Moira Dunn who is Superintendent there – she works tirelessly for the LORD. What a tremendous work is done for the LORD in that place!!!!  We will still be involved with Barnards Court Mission in Greenock on the 2nd Saturday afternoon of each month - (except July & August) - for Bible Prophecy conferences; currently we are studying The Book of the Revelation. 

In October 2023 we began an in-depth study series: ‘Revelation Revealed’ with Maryhill Evangelical Church in Glasgow on a Tuesday evening . This series will conclude at the end of January 2025. Currently the congregation meet in the Church – I am in my office and with others join via zoom from all over the UK. It works well!

On the 11th February 2025 we will commence a new study with Maryhill: ‘Discovering Daniel’ – it too will be an ‘in-person and on zoom’ hybrid.  

In 2025 we will renew fellowship with Kelty Evangelical Church for the months of May and August, Dykehead Mission for the month of April, St Nicholas UF Church for the month of January and Whitburn Christian Fellowship, all of whom we have had connections with for many years.

As we have done since Covid lockdown, Truth to Live by Ministries will continue to provide two zoom bible studies weekly: Tuesdays 12 noon and Thursdays 8.00pm. We will be commencing a new bible study series on Tuesdays – the subject matter will be announced asap - and on Thursday evenings when we will continue going through The Acts of The Apostles. It never ceases to amaze me every Tuesday and Thursday that around 30 people still log-in to the Studies – 5 years on - from all over the UK and Africa! A sincere word of thanks to you all for your faithfulness!

If you would like to join us you would be made more than welcome, the study usually lasts around 45 minutes. We would need your email address in order for us to forward you the ZOOM link. (Contact can made through the Website Truth to live by ministries).

On a Personal level our lives have changed significantly in recent months. Firstly, Jill has retired after 27 years working within the NHS. Sadly, the NHS is not what it was pre-covid, and so it was with a measure of relief when she finished her working life at the end of last year! It will be good to have someone to assist with some of the more practical aspects of the work.... for example, typing up this newsletter! Let me just take a moment thank Jill for her support over the years. She has been my rock, my confidante and my best friend.  She provides the calmness when I am stressed, usually when deadlines are looming and time is fast running out!

Secondly we have relocated with regards to our ‘HOME’ Church having returned to Broxburn Baptist Church – very much a happy ‘home coming’ for us.  We have been made very welcome and we look forward to being involved there as part of the Fellowship. It was a wonderful privilege to be involved in a Baptismal Service at Broxburn last year: one of these moments I will cherish forever! 

A special word of thanks to those who have supported ‘the work’ over the past year in so many ways – it has been hugely appreciated and is never taken for granted; it is what enables us to continue the work God has called us to do 

As we face a new year we would be delighted if you would be willing to commit to pray for the work we are involved in every day. New Prayer Partners are always appreciated, as we are all aware… prayer is crucial.

We have a prayer forum as part of the Ministry:  if you would like some-one or something prayed for, drop us an email and the request will be sent out to over 130 individuals who are based quite literally in all the Continents of the world.  Recently we sent out a prayer request, and within minutes we received an email from a group of believers in Liberia – they had begun praying for the situation at hand!

We also send out a Devotional Monday to Friday – ‘a thought for today’ – if you will. It is sent out as an attachment to an email. So, if you would like to receive it, all we require is an email address and it will appear in your ‘inbox’ every weekday. 

Please take the time to visit The Truth To Live By Ministries Website, there are dozens of recorded teaching sessions there, and much more. Also, if we could ask that you pass on this newsletter to others, those who may not know about our work. We would be much obliged if you could. 

It has been our privilege to have the opportunity to provide Bible Teaching face-to-face,  via ZOOM and also via whatsapp. It would be a joy to assist your Church if the need or opportunity should arise. Trusting you will know the LORD’S Blessing in the days that lie ahead.

While it is good to remember all the things that we have been involved in, in the past, and to look forward with expectancy to those things we will be involved in this year, we are mindful a piece of advice given to us by Mrs Isabell Woods  from Arbroath: “The LORD will bless your work…as long as you are mindful to give HIM the glory.”  

In Christ 

Charlie & Jill Sommerville.

“Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father

Morning by morning new mercies I see….”

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