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1.Search the Scriptures’ Bible – with integrated study guide from the classic IVP
ESV ‘Search the Scriptures’ Bible – with integrated study guide from the classic IVP ‘Search the Scriptures’ book – Anglicised NIV
IVP UK : 2021 : Black Bonded Leather : 1344 pages : ISBN 9781789743012
RRP £50.00
TTLBM Recommendation Price - £40.00
Also available as Hardback at £30
2. John C. Lennox, COSMIC CHEMISTRY: Do God and Science Mix?
John C. Lennox, COSMIC CHEMISTRY: Do God and Science Mix?
Lion Books : 17 September 2021 : Paperback : 400 pages : ISBN 9780745981406
RRP £13.99
TTLBM Recommendation Price - £12.00
3. Marcus Honeysett, POWERFUL LEADERS? When Church Leadership goes wrong and how to prevent it

Marcus Honeysett, POWERFUL LEADERS? When Church Leadership goes wrong and how to prevent it
InterVarsity Press : 17 February 2022 : Paperback : 176 pages : ISBN 9781789743227
RRP £9.99
TTLBM Recommendation Price - £8.00
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