Dear All
I just wanted to update you on our dear Brother Douglas Gibb. Early today it came to light he has Sepsis. Please pray for him and the wider family at this time. Pray that this situation can be brought under control and treated.
Pray also for a dear Sister who has joined with us regularly on most of the Zoom meetings. Elsie Boyd has been unwell for many months now and it appears that all medical intervention has failed thus far. I heard from Elsie today and she really is toiling under this yet undiagnosed condition.
Thank you so much for bringing these two individuals before the LORD in prayer.
Please...if you have any issues that you would like prayer for please let me know: this prayer Forum is for you!
If I may ask for a specific issue for prayer: God has now opened the door for Bible Teaching in 18 African Countries...and for that we are so thankful.
However I was wondering if you would pray specifically that doors would open in The Muslim Countries in North Africa.
May I also take the time to thank you for your support of the Work that we do - Covid-19 has changed everything, and through circumstances that this awful Pandemic presented to us, God has cause some good to come from these enforced restrictions.
Thank you for you commitment to the Bible Studies, your support of the Ministry and indeed your Contributions to The Bible Fund.
You have all been a tremendous blessing to Jill and myself.
What has developed over the past 18 months has been beyond our wildest dreams.
I trust you will have Blessed Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
May God bless you richly
Charlie and Jill
Dr Charlie Sommerville Truth To Live By Ministries